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Berglertafel mountaineer's dinner

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The mountain ranges of Rosengarten and Latemar, the kingdom of the legendary king Laurin, surely rank among the most beautiful regions of South Tyrol. Here, you absolutely have to see the extraordinary phenomenon called alpenglow.

If you would like to enjoy this spectacle, we recommend you to do it in Weißlahnbad in the village of Tiers, where on 18th July 2024 there is held a special dinner called “Bergler Tafel”/mountaineer's dinner.

The dinner is composed of several regional dishes and will be served not in a restaurant, but under the open sky on a mountain pasture, having a look at Mt. Rosengarten. Allow yourself the participation in this exceptional and romantic event, if you find yourself spending your holidays in the area of Rosengarten Latemar.

The dinner will begin at 7:00 pm, the menu is still to be defined, but it is certain that there will be served traditional dishes, made with typical and genuine products.

Reservation & further information:
Organisator: Seiser Alm Marketing
Straat: Dorfstraße 15
Plaats: I-39050 Völs am Schlern
Tel.: +39 0471 709 600
e-mail: info@seiseralm.it
Web: www.seiseralm.it
Op: donderdag 18. juli 2024
Tijd van de dag: 19:00 - 22:00 Klok
Weisslahnbad - Tiers am Rosengarten
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