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Schlern Music

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Five days full of chamber music concerts by young, renowned musicians from the whole world, atmospheric locations and small but excellent culinary accents!

The compact festival with the name Schlern Music will take place from 8 to 12 May 2024. Then, young and high-class musicians from all over the world will perform vivid concerts in very special locations.

The unusual concert venues in and around Völs am Schlern enrich the repertory with a lot of fresh air. Also, these unique events will be accompanied by culinary delicacies.

Further information:
Organisator: Schlern Music
Plaats: I-39050 Völs am Schlern
Contactpersoon: Tourist Board Völs am Schlern
Tel.: +39 0471 725 047
e-mail: info@schlernmusic.it
Web: www.seiseralm.it
08.05.2024 - 12.05.2024
Völs and surroundings - Völs am Schlern
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