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For around 2 decades, the Badiamusica Festival has been held in the heart of the Dolomites in summer. From organ concerts in the church to string ensembles in the event hall, classical music fans in Alta Badia are offered a wide range – with a focus on chamber music and church music from various eras.

The Badiamusica Festival focuses on chamber music and church music from different eras. The concerts take place at different event locations in Alta Badia and focus on an intensive musical experience instead of pompous spectacle. In July and August 2024, the festival audience can once again look forward to talented musicians from different countries and musical sounds of a high standard.

There are no entry fees for the concerts.

Programme 2024:

  • 14.07.2024, 9.15 pm: Parzival today | Event hall F. A. Rottonara, Corvara
  • 21.07.2024, 8.30 pm: Vespers of Virgin Mary | Parish church Abtei
  • 23.07.2024, 9.15 pm: Ucycling Music Band | Event hall J. B. Runcher, Abtei
  • 29.07.2024, 9.15 pm: Trio Andrea Palladio | Parish church La Villa
  • 12.08.2024, 9.15 pm: Ludus Quartet | Parish church Abtei
  • 19.08.2024, 9.15 pm: Organ concert with Leonhard Tutzer | Parish church Abtei
  • 29.08.2024, 8.30 pm: Trio Girandole Armoniche | Event hall J. B. Runcher, Abtei
  • 31.08.2024, 8.30 pm: Trio "Trëi" | Event hall Domëne Moling, Wengen
Further information:
Organisator: Badiamusica
Straat: San Leonardo 10
Plaats: I-39036 Abtei
e-mail: info@badiamusica.com
Web: www.badiamusica.com
14.07.2024 - 31.08.2024
Various locations in Val Badia - Abtei
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